Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am currently hearing strange noises coming from where Dimitrus and Padsol sleep. It sounds like growling, only.. more drawn out, and of a higher pitch. There are grunts and the smell of blood as well.

I.. I do not know what to think of this.

I wish they would stop whatever it is they're doing so I can get some sleep.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Master fed me a strange berry a few moments ago. It tasted very odd, but pleasant.

But it now appears I have no gender. I do not know what to think of this.

Friends have come and gone as well. We now have a strange dragon-like creature named Radioaktiv around. He speaks with a strange accent. Padsol has also changed. He now looks.. angrier all the time.

It is time for sleep.